Parking Long Stay – Covered up to 15 days.
USD 230
- Choose the dates of entry and exit.
- Fill in the required fields.
- View cart and finalize your purchase
Exclusive ONLINE purchase
NEW BENEFIT: 15% OFF on purchases at Duty Free Uruguay and 10% OFF at other Dufry stores around the world.
Promotion valid only for ONLINE purchase before entering the car in the parking lot, for a maximum period of 30 days.
Covered parking, not closed, subject to availability, exempt from VAT and with single income.
Upon arrival at the airport, you must park the vehicle in front of the main arrivals gate, and go to the Taxes and Parking local, where the vehicle key is delivered and the corresponding inspection is carried out.
With the purchase of this service, you will be able to access benefits at the Britt Store, Patria Restaurant and Duty Free located in the boarding area, presenting a reservation and boarding pass.**
– Not combinable with other promotions
– After 48 hours from the informed arrival date, you cannot request a change in the date of the promotion or refunds.
– For inquiries, contact the Carrasco Airport Customer Service – WhatsApp (+598) 91 114 061.
** Valid for the day the car is left in the parking lot. To make use of the benefit in Duty Free Uruguay, you must present the Long Stay reservation confirmation email at the time of payment. For the discount at Dufry stores in the rest of the world, you must download the Red by Dufry app at the Partidas Duty Free Uruguay store and request the promotional code. Long Stay reservation at the time of payment.
Términos y Condiciones
– La empresa no se hace responsable por daños causados a su vehículo ni por el robo de objetos o del vehículo.
– Promoción válida únicamente para compra ONLINE antes de ingresar el auto, para el tipo de parking seleccionado (abierto o techado) y el período facturado.
– Sujeto a disponibilidad, exento de IVA y con ingreso único.
– No acumulable con otras promociones.
– La factura se realizará en pesos uruguayos.
– Pasadas las 48 horas desde la fecha de arribo informada, no se podrá solicitar cambio de fecha de la promoción ni devoluciones.
– Por consultas, comunícate con el servicio de Atención al Cliente del Aeropuerto de Carrasco – WhatsApp (+598) 91 114 061